National Speakers Association-MN Chapter Spring Gala, 2024. Receiving the Speaker Academy Award, nominated by fellow academy members.

Fall 2012: Daring Greatly Training with Brené

Sarah is a Certified Facilitator of all of Dr. Brené Brown’s curricula: Dare to Lead, Daring Greatly, Bold, and The Gifts of Imperfection. Sarah has facilitated over 200 workshops on Dr. Brown’s research and has supported thousands of leaders to dream and live big.  Sarah is among those who have been facilitating Brené’s research since the beginning.  Sarah has the unique honor of being among just a handful of facilitators dual certified in Dare to Lead and Daring Greatly.  In addition to this honor, Sarah was asked by the Daring Way senior leadership to step into greater responsibility eight years ago within Brené’s organization as a Case Consultant supervising candidates through integrating Brené’s research into their context.

FUN FACTS: Sarah sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a nationally televised Twins game. (The recording is at the bottom of this page.) And the Twins won.

Sarah lives on a small farm with her family, a herd of sheep, and three horses that are the best therapy money can buy. 

Sarah and her spouse designed and built their home.  She can use a plumb bob, wire a house, and - best news of all - the house is still standing!

Sarah put herself through grad school by singing and dancing. . . and cleaning houses.

Target Field, Minneapolis, MN